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1097 search results for: this


The Trump Tax Plan, the Economy and You

Whether they consider themselves disciples of Milton Friedman, Libertarians a la Murray Rothbard, or supporters of Thomas Piketty, economists of all confessions have come to agree on one thing; the United States urgently needs a comprehensive tax overhaul. The problem however, is how. Should taxes attempt to achieve social justice, maximize government revenue or be as little disruptive to […]


Prosperity through Cooperation – Germany’s Economic Miracle – Case Studies

Our economic system often features opposing interests; workers who want more pay, capitalists who want more interest, shareholders who want more profits, and landowners who want more rent. In Germany, businesses adopt a different mindset; emphasizing the long term, placing great value on relationships with employees, customers, and suppliers, and commitment to the wider community. […]


Social Capital meets Social Media

Who do you know? Your connections form part of your social capital; the network, shared values, and mutual understandings that encourage trust, facilitate trade, and make cooperation easier. Henry George noted that trust was a pre-condition to trade. Nobel Prize winning economist Elinor Ostrom regarded social capital, along with physical, human, and natural capital, as […]


Prosperity through Cooperation – Germany’s Economic Miracle – Overview

Our economic system often features opposing interests; workers who want more pay, capitalists who want more interest, shareholders who want more profits, and landowners who want more rent. In Germany, businesses adopt a different mindset; emphasizing the long term, placing great value on relationships with employees, customers, and suppliers, promoting innovation, and committing to the […]