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Full Access or Full Employment: The Macroeconomics of UBI

FULL ACCESS OR FULL EMPLOYMENT: THE MACROECONOMICS OF UBI Universal Basic Income (otherwise known as basic income, or UBI) is a regular cash payout delivered to all on an unconditional basis, without means-test or work requirement. In popular discourse, UBI is often framed as a supplement or alternative to existing social safety net programs. This […]


The Fed’s Other Mandate: Facilitating and Regulating Wage Slavery

THE FED’S OTHER MANDATE: FACILITATING AND REGULATING WAGE SLAVERY This talk continues our analysis of macroeconomics begun in January with our lecture “The Fed Has Lost Control of the Money Supply.” Just as the previous talk explored emergent properties in the Fed’s management of the money supply which were evident to a Semantic Analyst but […]


Which Deficits Really Matter?
Session 6

Which Deficits Really Matter? Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), a heterodox school of macroeconomic thought asks: To what degree is a country monetarily sovereign? How does that impact the economic policies that country is able to pursue? A monetarily sovereign nation is one whose government issues its own currency, does not peg the value of that […]


Which Deficits Really Matter?
Session 5

Which Deficits Really Matter? Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), a heterodox school of macroeconomic thought asks: To what degree is a country monetarily sovereign? How does that impact the economic policies that country is able to pursue? A monetarily sovereign nation is one whose government issues its own currency, does not peg the value of that […]


Which Deficits Really Matter?
Session 4

Which Deficits Really Matter? Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), a heterodox school of macroeconomic thought asks: To what degree is a country monetarily sovereign? How does that impact the economic policies that country is able to pursue? A monetarily sovereign nation is one whose government issues its own currency, does not peg the value of that […]