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Principles of Political Economy
Session 2

PRINCIPLES OF POLITICAL ECONOMY Join us as we re-discover the laws of political economy and discuss their potential for guiding policy toward shared prosperity. The purpose of this 5-session course is to offer a basic introduction to political economy in the tradition of Henry George as presented in his book, Progress and Poverty. We will introduce […]


Principles of Political Economy
Session 1

PRINCIPLES OF POLITICAL ECONOMY Join us as we re-discover the laws of political economy and discuss their potential for guiding policy toward shared prosperity. The purpose of this 5-session course is to offer a basic introduction to political economy in the tradition of Henry George as presented in his book, Progress and Poverty. We will introduce […]


Tech Driven Monopolies and the Threat of Innovation

If you were born in the 1990s you might never have questioned the pervasiveness of companies like Google in the Internet domain. For you, such companies, products, services, and technologies have been ever present and seemingly unassailable.

Yet in the past few months we have seen the emergence of a set of technologies, especially ChatGPT, which have opened the real possibility of a technical and business threat to Google’s near monopoly on Internet search.


Automation and Artificial Intelligence – How will Labor be Affected?

AUTOMATION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE – HOW WILL LABOR BE AFFECTED? Resilience to technological disruption has always been a defining characteristic of advanced capitalist economies, but are we prepared for what’s coming next – meaning, artificial intelligence and automation? This panel of three distinguished speakers will discuss the impact of AI and automation on labor markets […]


A Brief History of Credit – From William Petty to Richard Cantillon
Session 3

A BRIEF HISTORY OF CREDIT – FROM WILLIAM PETTY TO RICHARD CANTILLON This course will explore the history credit, defined as the introduction of time into value. The course will proceed chronologically from the time of William Petty, John Law and Richard Cantillon in the late seventeen and early eighteen century through three thematic sessions. […]


A Brief History of Credit – From William Petty to Richard Cantillon
Session 2

A BRIEF HISTORY OF CREDIT – FROM WILLIAM PETTY TO RICHARD CANTILLON This course will explore the history credit, defined as the introduction of time into value. The course will proceed chronologically from the time of William Petty, John Law and Richard Cantillon in the late seventeen and early eighteen century through three thematic sessions. […]


A Brief History of Credit – From William Petty to Richard Cantillon
Session 1

A BRIEF HISTORY OF CREDIT – FROM WILLIAM PETTY TO RICHARD CANTILLON This course will explore the history credit, defined as the introduction of time into value. The course will proceed chronologically from the time of William Petty, John Law and Richard Cantillon in the late seventeen and early eighteen century through three thematic sessions. […]


A Theory of Economic Justice – Part 2
Session 9

A THEORY OF ECONOMIC JUSTICE What does prosperity have to do with economic justice? Join us to explore the connections. When natural opportunities become scarce, a rule for allocating them becomes necessary. After considering alternatives, the course develops the case for an equal division of the rent from natural opportunities, then examines the issue of […]