Blog Elements

You can display blog posts in various ways with the “Blog Post” element/shortcode. You can see one example here and even more at the blog main menu item of this demo.

Basic Income Guarantee – Why it Would Work Better With a Land Tax

A widening wealth gap, a marginalized middle class and growing concerns about robots and artificial intelligence (AI) displacing millions of workers is fueling intense debates on the adequacy of social safety nets in advanced capitalist economies. These concerns have only become more conspicuous in the aftermath of the Covid 19 pandemic; with mandatory lockdowns and ensuing disruptions in labor markets.

The U.S. Has No (And Never Could Have A) Debt Crisis

There is total confusion on both sides of the aisle (or perhaps willful obscuration) about the reality of public credit and public debt, and the absence of a need to borrow any money for a supposed budget shortfall, as evidenced by an article published earlier this year in the New York Times (Baker and Tankersley 2023). The compromise to extend the Congressional bipartisan budget and debt talks until 2025 has not changed anything.

Tech Driven Monopolies and the Threat of Innovation

If you were born in the 1990s you might never have questioned the pervasiveness of companies like Google in the Internet domain. For you, such companies, products, services, and technologies have been ever present and seemingly unassailable. Yet in the past few months we have seen the emergence of a set of technologies, especially ChatGPT, which have opened the real possibility of a technical and business threat to Google’s near monopoly on Internet search.