Alan Tonelson on CNBC

Alan Tonelson Discusses Trump and Trade

Trump and Trade

March 7, 2017

Read “What Donald Trump Gets Right on Trade”,  an opinion from one of our newest permanent Board Members, Mr. Alan Tonelson, founder of RealityChek, a former associate editor of Foreign Policy magazine, and long-time member of leading U.S. think tanks.



Smart Talk with James K. Galbraith: Welcome to the Poisoned Chalice


James K. Galbraith’s new book reveals what went on behind the Greek crisis

What led to a true Greek tragedy? Rigid, even unethical mandates, according to Dr. James K. Galbraith, author of Welcome to the Poisoned ChaliceThe Destruction of Greece and the Future of Europe.  In this new episode of Smart Talk, Andrew Mazzone, President of the Henry George School of Social Science, talks to  Dr. Galbraith about what went wrong in Greece, and why it went wrong — and what lessons we can draw from the ruins of Greece.

Understanding Economics

Understanding Economics

Our newest ONLINE Course, “Understanding Economics” is now available.  This course provides a basic introduction to Economic theory, as well as to Henry George’s principles, in several short, easy lessons.  You can access the sessions from our Course Page (hit the button below).